Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Carol Anticipation Guide

Cant wait to hear your thoughts on all these controversial issues presented in the book! Please post them as a comment to this post!


  1. GROUP 3 (Margaurite, Christy, Catherine, Omar)

    7.) How important are children to our society?
    Children are very important to our society because when they grow up they are the ones that society depends on and caters to. Children are also important to our society because they are the next generation presidents and are needed to come up with new ideas and continue our species. Children are the future as many people would say. Therefore, children should be treated well and being influenced correctly by educators, siblings, and the world around them.

    8.) Should children be sent off to boarding school?

    No children should not be sent to boarding school because it is against there own will. Boarding school can cause them to be depressed in the long run because they are away from family and friends, leaving them isolated and forcing them to adjust to a setting in which they may not feel very comfortable in.

    9.) Why don’t people meet their full potential?

    People don’t meet their full potential because as an individual we all need that extra push to complete work. If this extra push or motivation is not given then people tend to get lazy and slack off leaving them at their lowest points instead of their full potential. If the person has no goal to fulfill as well then they will just do the bare minimum work to get a things done, this does not allow them to successfully reach their full potential either.

    1. what role do parent's play in helping children reach their full potential?

  2. I disagree with the response to question 8, boarding school isnt always forced upon the children and if it is, it's usually because that child needs more attention and stricter discipline which is offer through the process of boarding schools. Also boarding schools help set them up for the real world, you're parents aren't always gonna be there, you'll learn to be dependent one or another, so its better to learn it at a young age, eventually it'll come naturally.

  3. Group 5- Dallas, Ruben, Mariam, & Alyssa

    13) If you could go back in time and change the past, would you? Why or why not?

    We wouldn't go back in time because everything happens for a reason and it is not out place because we could cause a chain of events that we wouldn't know the results of.

    14) Do you believe in the existence of ghost? Explain.

    Majority rules that we believe in the existence of ghosts because of personal encounters, our morals and stories.

    15) Does everyone deserve forgiveness?

    Everyone deserves forgiveness because people make stupid decisions which may not reflect the person they are now or who they want to become. Forgiveness heals minds of the victim and the criminal. Besides you can always forgive but never forget.

    1. I agree with question 13. Everything happens for a purpose and sometimes its just fate. - Christy

    2. i want to hear about the personal encounters with ghosts!!

  4. Group 1: Daniel, Andi, Maria, Danellys, Tenzing

    1 Do you believe in second chances? Explain.
    - We believe that second chances should be given according to a situation's factors. While we, as humans all make mistakes, some mistakes should be forgive while others shouldn't. We are conscious of the choices we make and sometimes the damage that is done is too much to be given a second chance.

    2. Should people look out for each other, or should they look out for themselves? Explain.
    - People should look out for themselves. We think this because in the end, everyone dies alone so you shouldn't become dependent of a person. People should learn to look out for themselves because most, if not all things in life are a competition.

    3. Throughout the year, but especially in the holiday season, we are constantly bombarded with pleas for help, for charity. What are your views on this subject.
    - We believe in being grateful for the things you are blessed with and being generous enough to give to others, that is, if you can. If you have the resources to help others, then you should. A good deed goes a long way.

  5. GROUP 4 (Juan, Lori, Ivanna, Floridon)

    10.) What are dreams made of?

    Dreams are involuntary thoughts that bombard our brains while we sleep. They can be related to the world we live in, since their usually provoke by moments, and feelings we may have possibly have had over the past week, month, or even years. They tend to be symbolic; hinting at a possible purpose, and there are usually never straight forward because you’re conscious is trying to tell you something. However it is the dreamer’s job to discover its interpretation. Dreams are not only done while we asleep they invade our minds in different states of consciousness and our minds begin to wonder into an imagination.

    11.) What is reality?

    Reality for everyone is different. For some people, reality involves happiness, love, family. Others might refer to it as suffering, struggle, and poverty. The truth is that reality is combination of these opposing elements of human daily life; it is the happiness that comes after the pain provoked by our surroundings.

    12.) Can a person change his/her ways? Explain.

    Yes a person can change his or her ways depending on life experiences. If a person isn't happy with their life or aren't pleasing the people in their life, they will change for the better. When someone is disappointed or just feel like they aren't doing enough, they will change. Sometimes, life experiences change how people act towards others. For example, a bad relationship or ruined friendship can change your perspective on situations and affect your personality completely. You might find yourself doing things you never did or stop doing things you used to do.

    1. you really hit on something when you stated dreams are symbolic. This lends itself perfectly to what will occur in the book

    2. I like how you guys aid that reality is defined differently according to every individual. Do you think it could be defined differently by everyone because people are ignorant while others knowledgeable or do you think it may be because some people are perpetual optimiststs while others pessimists?

  6. I also want to say that I agree with Floridon because I believe that boarding schools are more realistic in the way that they prepare their students for the real world. Boarding schools teach students the fundamentals of being "emotionally independent".

    I also agree with the answer given for question 13 because I believe that the mistakes and regrets that we carry with us from our past are the things that make us who we are today. The mistakes we have made are what teach us to make brighter decisions in the future.

  7. Alexis Gooding

    Group #2

    AP Language


    Can money buy happiness?

    Money cannot buy happiness to any extent. It does not have the capabilities of replacing the happiness that a family or love can bring. It might bring happiness for the moment, but supposedly your spending it, what happiness will you have when it's gone? For example, if your mom dies and you come into $5,000, do you think it will replace the tender love and care that your mother nourished you with?

    Can money buy love?

    Money cannot buy love to any extent. It has the power to attract greed and people who are selfish and looking for people to use, but not love. For example, what if you are paying a girl or boy to be in a relationship with you? They will not be there for the qualities and characteristics of a relationship but they will be there because they are financially benefiting from the relationship.

    Can you be truly happy with money?

    Ultimately, my group came to a conclusion that money cannot buy you the free luxuries in life such as love, family and happiness. There is one thousand and one ways to gain happiness whether it is easy and small or if it takes a little more to obtain joy. It all depends on the type of personality you have and we are all different people.

    1. so it seems when it comes down to it, money doesnt mean much as all??

    2. I think it depends on the person. While material things ARE worldly objects, people still find value in it and i think that money is one of those things humans care about way too much.
