Friday, March 22, 2013

Structure and types of questions reflection

What areas do you need to review over the break in order to increase your chances of success in multiple choice section? How are you going to review?( have you found good websites, old notes, blog, etcc)


  1. To increase my chances of success I need to review rehtorical terms and strategies and also practice on finding helpful tricks that will aid in answering the infrence and except questions. To review I will be reading A LOT. I'm going to begin reading passages that contain archaic diction as I am not completely comfortable with reading and comprehending archaic diction especially while being timed. I will be using AP Langauge Crash Course, review websites, and, the worksheets I have received in class.

  2. In order to increase my chances of success in the multiple choice section, I need to improve on the rhetorical strategies / terms, vocabulary, and identifying tones. I will be reviewing the rhetorical devices and tones that's from both the blog and the textbook, including words that may be repeated from the past AP exams. That way I can focus on which words I need to understand more on. By reviewing, I'm going to practice the exams from the past (especially timing), review on handouts of diction and tone, and review on websites (apcentral.collegeboard).

  3. To work on having a higher mulitple choice score, I'm going to focus on infrence and except questions. Even though you should skip these questions, I think its best to atleast get better at answering them so that you can elminate choices to narrow down the BEST answer. I also want to focus on the rhetorical modes and devices and to do so I'm going to buy a review book this week to learn strategies. To improve reading on passages that are not contemporary, ive started to read books that are written by 18 and 19 century authors such as Mark Twain and John Steinback. Ever since i read huckleberry finn, ive started picking up on the diction and the tone.

  4. What I would do in order to increase my abilities and the possible success within the multiple choice section would be to train myself on how to manage my time while still comprehending the material; as finding the balance to both can be quite the challenge when you can't sacrifice either one. On top of doing the first thing I shall look into older texts, seeing as I am a fan of Mark Twain's work I shall read some of his stories, I will also search for older essays such as those by Edgar Allen Poe. Mostly I realized I need to be able to find a good strategy to be able to decode the information from the passages and use it to answer the multiple choice. Besides what I have mentioned above I will simply review the rhetorical devices and or AP notes/handouts.

  5. In order to have a at least a 50% or higher for the multiple choice, I must make sure that I review the rhetorical terms and learn how to manage my time so that I can go back and review my answers. In order to help myself review, I recently brought a Princeton Review book in order to practice the multiple choice.Also I have begun reading stories in the textbook in order to getting used to reading powerful pieces such as Modest Proposal.

  6. Topics I need to review
    • Refresh on the rhetorical modes
    • Vocabulary
    • Organization and style
    • Irony and tone

    Over the next few days I will be reviewing for the exam

    • Using my crash course book for AP Language,
    • The AP Language text book (reading passages, rhetorical devices/triangle)
    • Quizlet .com (for the rhetorical devices)
    • (How to Approach the Multiple-Choice Questions on the AP English Language Exam)
    • Taking practice exams online to see my progress (on Pdf on practice sample MC)
    • Reviewing our or diction/tone/satire sheets

  7. In order to increase my chances of success in the multiple choice section I will need to focus more on inference and rhetorical strategies questions which I have seen I do the most poorly on. In order to succeed on what I am not doing the best in I will try to focus harder on the passage and with each paragraph try to summarize it in about 3 words on the way if I find any rhetorical strategies I will not ignore it but right it down for reference if there are any questions based on my findings I will already be prepared. I will review for the AP exam through the use of flash cards in those flashcards I will put rhetorical strategies, modes, types of essays...etc. I will also purchase AP review books which will give me strategies which will further help me grow my knowledge.

  8. Progress has been made since the beginning. But,I need to review certain rhetorical terms along with examples of each. I found my self knowing what the answer was but forgetting the name of a term which would lead me to guess. Along with rhetorical terms I also have to practice annotation for better comprehension. I will be practicing and reading from my practice books for the AP Class along with reading old 19 and 18 century texts such as huckleberry finn and mark twain to increase my level of comprehension along with vocabulary review.

  9. Some topics I need to review are vocabulary, rhetorical terms, the Synthesis essay, and organization & style.
    I am going to review these topics by using my AP Language & Composition crash course. I am going to also take online multiple choice. Also, I will review all the worksheets you gave us. I'm also going to be doing eye exercises on a software that I have on my computer so that I can get my eyes reading faster and comprehending as well. I will also be using the textbook to look back on the main essays we've looked at like JFK & MLK's speeches. Lastly, I will be looking at the old blog posts to review.

  10. I need to review the rhetorical modes and learn more vocabulary words. I also need to review tropes and other rhetorical devices along with examples of them. I haven't found any good websites yet but I do have the Princeton Review book for the course and I will purchase the crash course during the break. I will practice the multiple choice with the review books and make flashcards for the vocabulary words. Another method I will practice is the elimination process so I can have a higher chance to her a correct answer even if I have to guess.

  11. To increase my chances of doing better on the multiple choice I definitely want to study syntax and diction and being able to identify syntactical devices. Rhetorical terms will be a major part of my studying this break. I will definitely be reviewing my notes and timing myself on different AP multiple choice test. I wool also do some reading to develop comprehension skills and expand my vocabulary.

  12. To increase my chances of doing better on the multiple choices, I will definitely retouch on my rhetorical terms and take practice exams. I will also read classic pieces to enhance my reading comprehensions and expand my vocabulary.
